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Communication Policy


To assure effective and actionable communication between MMCAP Infuse and its members that will serve to increase the value offering of the MMCAP Infuse programs.


Time-sensitive information will be emailed to MMCAP Infuse State Contacts, Advisory Board members and contacts at each affected MMCAP Infuse member facility. Other information will be communicated in the monthly MMCAP Infuse News and by posting to the appropriate section of the MMCAP Infuse website. MMCAP Infuse member facilities are encouraged to check the website regularly for new information. Website entries will be dated so facilities are able to easily determine the timeliness of the information. Public information may also be posted to MMCAP Infuse’s social media accounts to give members additional access.

MMCAP Infuse Marketing and Communications staff will determine what information is vital to communicate to participating member facilities. Each communication item will be evaluated for timing and target audience. It is our goal to only send members communications that are meaningful to them. If possible the item will be held until the next monthly MMCAP Infuse News publication. The message will be sent to the appropriate target audience, which may be State Contacts only, Advisory Board members only, all member facilities or only facilities that use the specific program covered by the message. MMCAP Infuse will consider whether State Contacts should receive a communication two business days before the membership at large to allow them time to consider the issue and formulate a communication plan for their state.

Member Responsibilities:

Ensure that the most up-to-date information is on file for each member facility as well as the key contacts at each of those facilities.

Report impending staffing changes to MMCAP Infuse and let new staff members know about MMCAP Infuse and which programs your facility uses.


Each MMCAP Infuse Contact at Facility

Full Name

Full name and title



Phone Number

Phone number

Email address

Email address




- Check the MMCAP Infuse website regularly for new information.

- Notify MMCAP Infuse if necessary information is not being communicated to your facility.

- Contact MMCAP Infuse and arrange for an alternate method of receiving information if your facility does not have access to the MMCAP Infuse website.

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